A. D. Moseley (Admin)
A.D. Moseley is a freelance graphic artist, author, and part-time editor. She enjoys writing primarily fiction in the science fiction and fantasy realms but will occasionally branch out when the urge arises.
As a full time RVer in the US (with far too many pets for her tiny home on wheels), she enjoys traveling and becoming a citizen of a new town and state as often as possible. She also enjoys proving that her English and Art degrees can be used for so much more than teaching (though she has done that too).
Her characters tend to lean towards being very independent and adventurous, much like her. And while these characteristics can be good things, they can also land them in a good deal of trouble. Luckily many of her characters have access to a little magic to help get themselves out again. She however, is not so lucky!
Em Van Moore (Admin)
Em hails from Northern B.C., Canada, where at her day job she is a mild-mannered nurse with flamboyant hair who still giggles whenever she has to say the word “duty”.
She is a cat-mom of four and human-mom of two. She is queer by every definition of the word.
In her spare time she reads, writes, and slowly kills plants by forgetting about them for extended periods.
Em has always loved writing but struggled (as many people do) with motivation and execution. Diagnosed with ADHD when she was 29, she found the secret ingredient to productivity: heavy doses of prescription medication.
Her first novel (2016) was a wonderful learning experience. Her second novel (2019) was an improvement, and she learned even more in the process. Since then, she has spent her spare time (what little of it she has) reading, researching, and thinking about writing.
She is a NaNoWriMo 2021 and 2022 winner and founding member of the Motley Writers Guild.
Her hobbies include hula-hooping, crafting, prepping, climate activism, volunteering, going to music festivals, and general shenaniganary.
She has a complicated relationship with the Oxford comma, and would prefer no one bring it up because they’re hoping to work things out.
Kieran O’Connor (Admin)
Kieran O’Connor is an emerging author from Calgary, Alberta. After graduating from high school, he originally pursued a career in film, driven by his love of storytelling. But when the pandemic hit and people were forced to stay at home, he began writing as a hobby. Two full manuscripts later, and he’s ready to take his craft to the next level.
He is a self-proclaimed geek inspired by all different types of stories, including books, movies, and games. When he’s not writing, he spends time livestreaming on Twitch, speedrunning and attempting to claim the fastest times in many different games. He also enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, a cooperative storytelling experience as much as it is a game.
Kieran’s current project is a Fantasy coming of age story set in the world he created during his numerous Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Though set in a fictional world, his stories explore very real themes and conflicts that will immerse you in the adventure.
He is a recent graduate of The Writers Studio at Simon Fraser University.
A. Leno (Admin)
Info coming soon!
Leona Nicholson (Scribbler)
Leona is an aspiring-writer who is interested in way too many things to choose one. Currently residing on Vancouver Island with her partner and their companion cat, Leona loves to learn new things, explore nature, get creative, and appreciate the little things. As a queer, vegan, spiritual person, she believes in embracing diversity and abstaining from harm while celebrating life and the incredible multitude of paths through this mystery we call life.
Leona writes poetry, fiction, and essays and wants to share her unique way of looking at the world while learning more about it. She enjoys looking at little closer at life and seeking the roads less travelled. She hopes you will explore the world with her.
Teri Sackett (Scribe)
Teri Sackett loves to teach almost as much as she loves to write. She works as a coach at a call center and has four children, all of which are married, and three granddaughters. She’s working on book 2 in her fantasy series.
Kristi Allison (Scribbler)
Info coming soon!
Susan Norell (Scribbler)
Info coming soon!
M. T. Decker (Scribbler)
M.T. Decker is a Software Developer, Data Analyst who specializes in breaking software. She has worked as a journalist, teacher, beta reader, and editor. Her published works include a series of workbooks designed to help authors analyze/organize their writing and has written everything from VSS (VeryShortStories – 1 tweet FlashFicition) to Epic Sagas and tend to write Science Fiction/Fantasy.
While her genres may vary, one thing that unites them is her sense of humor which tends to come through.
Currently she lives in the Eastern Panhandle with her husband, who is also a writer. Everything else remains subject to change.
Dylan West (Scribbler)
Dylan West is a Jesus lover, writer, web developer, video game developer, Navy vet, foreign language nut, and a nut in general. While other people are busy thinking normal thoughts, he’s crafting corny jokes. He lives in Chesapeake, VA, with his wife and daughter.
K.R. Cole (Scribbler)
K.R. Cole lives on a farm in Nebraska with a ridiculous number of kids (goat and human). She’s a former middle school English teacher and currently works in a stress free office setting, because life is stressful enough! She has a BA in English with an Emphasis in Creative Writing, and minored in German and Education.
A Jenny (Scribbler)
By day, Jenny has a job as a professional people herder in a doctor’s office. The rest of her time is spent creating art, reading, or playing video games. Jenny writes fantasy with science fiction elements. Her current WIP is about one wizard trying his best to save the world. She has the support of a delightful husband and a perfect hound.
Pam (Scribbler)
Pam Moss is a writer and healthcare professional based in Cincinnati. She has seen enough tragedy, suffering and gore to last ten lifetimes. She writes (mostly poems) because she can’t afford any more therapy. Her poetry has appeared in Antipoetry Magazine: See it here!
She is the proud Twitter mom of @ADMoseleyRdWrtr , @K_R_Cole and @DylanWestAuthor. She has no idea who their deadbeat Twitter dads are.
Jody Wenner (Scribbler)
Jody is a Twin Citian and an obsessive crocheter. She works with a small edit house doing beta reads and critiques. She has published over ten mystery and suspense novels in the last decade and has two new releases coming out through The Wild Rose Press in 2023: The Mortician’s Wife (coming June 19, 2023) and Half Truths Under a Broken Moon (coming late 2023).
Tammy Blakley (Scribbler)
Tammy lives in the Pacific Northwest where she spends her days writing humorous mysteries filled with quirky characters and crazy situations. She loves stories that allow you to get lost for a few hours, have a lot of laughs and maybe even shed a tear or two. She completed her first manuscript with no formal training and a total lack of adult supervision. She enjoys the support of her amazing husband who, so far, hasn’t recommended medication.
Iryna Cranny (Scribbler)
Info coming soon!
Charles (Chuck) Paone (Scribbler)
Charles F. (Chuck) Paone writes fiction now, following a career in military public affairs, where he produced hundreds of articles and liaised with numerous high-level officials and news outlets – and even had the chance to assist Patricia Cornwell.
He’s recently completed and is seeking representation for his 90,000-word upmarket suspense novel, THE ROAD DISAPPEARED BEHIND US, a dual-POV husband/wife narrative reminiscent of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl with thematic similarities to Jeff Hoffman’s Other People’s Children.
He’s written fiction independently and within writing groups for decades, including one led by Jeff Belanger, author of The Call of Kilimanjaro: Finding Hope Above the Clouds and numerous other books. He is working on several projects now, including another novel. He currently also has two short stories on submission.
He is an engaging public speaker with well-honed media-relations skills, and is very much prepared to help market books during pre- and post-publication periods.