Last fall, I entered a contest on a micro-memoir website called Five Minutes. The assignment was to write exactly 100 words about five minutes in …
Anatomy of a Prize-Winning Micro-Memoir

Last fall, I entered a contest on a micro-memoir website called Five Minutes. The assignment was to write exactly 100 words about five minutes in …
So… you want to be a writer, but life is too busy? When will you ever find the hours to write a novel? Now, that’s …
Where do you fall on the spectrum? Not everyone falls firmly in one camp or the other when it comes to plotting or pantsing their …
What holds you back? Like, what really and truly puts up a blockade, denies you access, and wreaks havoc on your mind. Do you remain …
Learn some ways to banish it, or at the very least, get past it no matter the size! All of the other stumbling blocks in …
I knew I was a writer from a very early age. I analyzed my Saturday morning cartoons and pondered my comic book characters’ motives. When …
How to beat procrastination and just write! Procrastination is a big roadblock, especially for writers. You might even suffer from its influence and not even …