So… you want to be a writer, but life is too busy? When will you ever find the hours to write a novel? Now, that’s …
Repetition in Creative Writing
Words repeating can get tedious. Em Van Moore details how to revise your own work to fix these issues.
Varying Sentences in Creative Writing
This blog post is about one of the simplest problems in sentences: repetitive use of words and/or sentence structure. Em Van Moore details how to revise your own work to fix these issues.
Info Dumps in Creative Writing
This blog post is about the dreaded Info Dumps in Creative Writing. What are they? How do you spot them? And how can you AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!
Dialogue Tags in Creative Writing
Dialogue Tags in Creative Writing: What are they, and how to use them properly.
Using “THAT” In Creative Writing
Warning: Based on the topic, you are probably going to be very aware of every single “that” used in this post. Please keep in mind …
Why do we disregard Romance Books?
But Julie, I don’t do that! I love romance books! Me too, dear reader, me too. But I bet you know someone who scoffs at …
10 Ways To Improve Receiving Critique
Steps for requesting, reviewing, processing, and responding to critique in a way that won’t send beta readers running for the hills.
Writing Roadblocks: Procrastination
How to beat procrastination and just write! Procrastination is a big roadblock, especially for writers. You might even suffer from its influence and not even …